First Time Visitor?
Welcome to Bridge Point Church! We are a group of believers from all different walks of Christianity.

What should I wear?
Come just as you are! Some attenders choose to wear a full suite and others feel most comfortable in sweat pants and a hoodie.
Do I need to bring a Bible?
Many attenders choose to bring their own Bible to write notes, however, the verses that belong to the message are projected on a screen. We also store Bibles for use near each seat.
What type of service do you do?
Our services tend to lean contemporary. We have music before service as part of worship, a message from the pastor, and a song to part with.
How can I get connected?
You can always talk to someone at our connecting point desk. They can help with signing up for Church events, small groups, and help with kid's check-in.

Ages 0-2
Nursery is available every Sunday during the service to benefit God's smallest blessings and help parents listen to the service.
What safety precautions do you use for Kid's Church?
The safety of the children and the congregation as a whole is important to us. Each teacher is vetted prior to teaching out children. Part of the process involves a background check.